Thursday, March 11, 2010

My carriage didn't turn into a pumpkin! But, I felt like a princess :)

You know that night you talk about when you are a little girl, where you get to feel like a princess and dance the night away with your prince charming? Commonly known as prom? Well, Friday, March 5th was that day. I got all dressed up, Kayleigh helped me do my hair, my parent's did the whole gaga picture snap thing, his parents did the whole gaga picture snap thing and then we went to the dance. It took place at the Hilton. The place was rather small and not anything flashy and the music sucks, however, I had a blast because it was with Dallas. Lot's of kissy kissy mushy gooshy stuff! :)
After the dance, we went to dinner at the Mandarin (originally, we planned to go to Red Robbin, but our budget quickly grew when his parents and grandma kept forking out cash to us!). See, technically we went in a "group" with Wesley and Lara, but, me being selfish and wanting Dallas's full attention on Prom night, demanded that we spend very little time with them. He was rather understanding. Therefore, we were only with them during dinner and desert. After dinner we went to Leatherby's. Yum! It was a very good night and I cannot wait for the pictures to come! Here is one of the the pictures the parents got. Don't we look stunning? ;)

Friday, February 26, 2010

Wisdom Teeth

Prom is coming up and i am SOOOOO excite. Mom and i went shopping for my dress and after a long fun night, we found it. It is stunning. I can't wait for everyone to see it. I don't actually have it right now because i am waiting on the alterations. But, i will post pictures from prom.

Dallas is such a good guy. I just got my wisdom teeth out yesterday after noon, i have a cold and didn't bother with make-up and hair or getting dressed. Dallas came over last night and gave me some ice cream then told me i looked beautiful. He always says that at the weirdest times. When i need to hear it, but i can see and hear in his voice that he really thinks i look my best in that state :P
Sill boy x)

Like i said before, i got my wisdom teeth out. It really isn't bad, i just have a cold at the same time and narcotics make me sick. Oh well. What can you do? Life goes on. :P

Saturday, February 20, 2010

"Kung Poo Nana"

That's how Jaxon says Kung Fu Panda. :P
This has been a really good weekend :)
Last night Dad, Christy, Kaylee, and I all went bowling and I WON! It was quite exciting.
Today was Caydance's birthday party and that was fun, even though most of the babies had a cold. Caydance was pretty miserable. :/

Valentine's Day was Dallas's little sister, Hannah's, birthday so I got Misty Rowan to make her a cake for her as a late present from me. She LOVED it.

Hmm...the lowest point was having to wait outside in the cold for Dallas's little sister to answer the door. She was home alone and was not supposed to answer the door. I finally got a hold of her on the phone though. :P

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Odd to think about.

Today, I was just surfing around Facebook and I found an old friend from elementary school. She was the heart throb with the boys; tall, skinny, unusually "developed" body for an eleven year old and she danced like a stripper at recess. That is really the only memory I have of her. We weren't very close... Anyhow, I decided to invite her as a friend. Turns out, she's a mommy! She has a very beautiful baby named Kaydance. That is just so weird to me. I feel so young and no where NEAR ready to have a baby. It will probably be a good seven years, at least, before I make any mini me's!
Just something I thought about a lot today, thought I would share. When really, I should get used to my friends getting married and having babies. It's happening. No, that is just too weird for me.

I really just LOVE my aerobics class. I like that I can come home every other day and not have to work out because I already did, at school! I also just like the class in general. It is so fun and we do something different everyday, but always do muscle toning stuff at the end. Today, she just led us in a bunch of dancy stuff. The kind of stuff you see in work out videos. She is a really fun teacher. This is the first Gym teacher that I have had that didn't just sit on their butt and mark if you are doing what you are supposed to be doing. She actually works out with us, it's cool.

I forgot my gym clothes and I had to call mom to bring them to me. I had to wear different sweat pants that are approximately...ten sizes too big so you can imagine how that went with all the jumping around. I went to aerobics late and didn't get to stretch so no I am SORE.

Now I am going to watch LOST.
Don't ever watch that show unless you have A LOT of time on your hands. If you do, than go watch it! You WILL get hooked.

Tata for now :)

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shocking, I know.

I am such a hypocrite.
I get on Facebook and am deeply angered by the amount of stupid, meaningless notifications about someones Barn or someone challenging me to a game of Mob Wars. Why can't someone comment on my picture? or Message me an update on life?
Then, I leave without my fix of connection to the world and go to Myspace. Again, there are no messages about someones exciting life or... what may be.
Lastly, I leave there and go to my eMail and all that is waiting is those meaningless notifications, as mentioned before, from myspace and facebook.
I am realizing something. I am totally being selfish. I never commented or messaged anyone. I just left with frustration that no one left me something exciting.
I even go and check to see if my sisters are posting blogs and when they don't i think to my self, "Jeez! I wanna hear about those babies! POST MORE!"
Sounds a bit dramatic, I know. All that rambling is just to make a point that I need to start blogging again. :P

This time I want to make it more interesting than just the day to day life of an almost typical teenage girl and I will write about my wondering thoughts. I will at LEAST write a sentence on my high and low.

So, here we go, attempt to start blogging again number....hmm...I lost count.

I got to catch up with Sierra again. We are trying to do that more. I am pretty sure before the last time we hung out, it was the first time in four months. That makes me very sad. I used to ride to school with her in the morning. I would play with her every recess. We would walk home together and go our separate ways. I would then try to get out of my chores and run over to her house, so eager, that I got used to always being bare foot because putting on shoes took up a minute of precious time that I could be with my best friend.
Sierra Michelle Rowan is my very best friend. I have known her for longer than my memories go back. Boy oh boy, the memories. Playing poor people and mixing leaves and mud as food (don't worry, we didn't really eat it), making up sports that were very similar to real sports like "ZwifferHoofer Ball" (Volley ball and Kick ball combined), tickle fights, getting baptized together, and endless sleepovers. Sierra has known me longer and knows me better than anyone ever will.
I love that girl with all my heart.

I don't mind book reports generally. The only time they really drive me crazy is when it has to be on a specific book or even if you have a limited choice. I will not do well and I will have a very bad attitude if you assign a book report and give me a "reading list". Ugh. That is what happened in English today. That teacher is so incredibly laid back and spasticly goofy. Until it comes to a writing assignment. He is so strict and picky.
So, I wandered into the library today with a semi-positive act after seeing that the list had a few interesting sounding books. I searched for my first choice, it wasn't there. The second one wasn't either. The third wasn't even in the system. So now I HAVE to read one of the Stephen King books on the list because my mother has them all. Even though I have heard they are really good, I just hate not having a choice. That is the way I am with everything. Silly being that I am very indecisive.

Off to bed now.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Long time no BLOG!

I know, i am being a slacker, STILL, after i said i would pick up on it again.
Oops. Well, this time, i wont make any promises. :P
Want to know what i have been up to this summer?
Here ya go:

A little bit of partying...

Lots of Lagoon!

Dates and hangouts with that one cute boy ;)

Fun time with my best girl friends...


Lots and lots and lots of time with my best friend sister.

Being my crazy self!

and enjoying the very beautiful, though very hot, out side world!

I hope that is enough to let you know the things I have been up to!
I ALSO have be doing A LOT of babysitting. I actually love it! :)
I get to spent tons of time with my nieces and nephew, mostly
Maveryk and Tukker.
If i can start getting in the blogging habit again, i will be posting
a lot about that.

Hope every one else is enjoying their summer as much as i am!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

Sorry for my slackish ways. I haven't really had much of anything to post about.
I went to Lagoon with Christy and Kaylee last week, on Tuesday but Christy left early. We still had fun though. Dad couldn't come because his leg was bothering him. I wish he could have been there since this is the first year i will be willing to go on Roller Coasters. It's okay, maybe for the Coke Lagoon day in September.
We went again on that Thursday with Roger, Mom, Em, and Jaxon. We all went our separate ways and Kaylee and i mostly swam that time. We got to go on a few rides though.
That is all the fun stuff that has been going on.
BESIDES Heather getting married, but y'all already know about that.
I will try to keep up on my Highs and Lows after today. :)

I just want to say happy father's day to Dad and Roger with a few loving words. :)

Oh goodness, this guy is just awesome. I am such a daddy's girl.
He is very good at giving advice and telling you what you NEED to hear, not what you WANT to hear, even if you don't like it at first and it makes you cry. He is always so sarcastic and has tons of fun teasing me, though, he is serious when he needs to be and VERY honest. Dad has been there for me and has understood me through the thick and thin. Just last week, we just started having a very casual conversation at the Coffee shop and he gave me tons of advice without even trying. He said something that i now repeat in my head day after day. Sometimes it really just shocks me how wise my dad is. The thing that i admire most about my dad is that he stays so positive and never lets anything get him down. When he hits a rough patch in life, he gets through it without falling down and knows that if he does fall, we are all here to help him up. I really look up to my dad in everything. I know he is on my side even when i am wrong. I love him for giving me his eyes! And standing back and watching me shine. :)
Now i will share some of my favorite memories of him with you:
  • When i was very little, we used to cook scrambled eggs and cheese together and eat off the same plate, i loved doing it.
  • We would go to nickle cade ALL the TIME.
  • When he would let me ride on his shoulders.
  • One time, not long ago, i asked what a trash compactor does and he said it goes through a bunch of tubes and falls into the big garbage can outside. I believed him. He was amused.
  • We were on our way to Wyoming and my friend and i were in the back seat. He poited out side and said "Look, there in the darkness" we looked and were very silent. Then, very loudly he YELLED. Classic dad. :P
I have tons more, those are just a few. :)

I don't have any pictures with him. What's up with that?
I am really glad i have a good sense of humor because all the men in my life REALLY enjoy teasing me.
Whenever i am with Rog, I am laughing, i swear. Even in a serious situation, he finds a way to make you laugh. Roger cheers me up all the time without even knowing i was upset in the first place. What i really admire about Roger is how protective he is. He is one of those "Cleanin' my gun" kind of dads. It is funny how worried he is about babies! You probably all know what i am talking about!
Roger isn't my "step dad" I think of him as just....ANOTHER DAD!
I loved him IMMEDIATELY. He was like my best friend and i loved playing with him!
Love ya ol' Rog!

I can't wait to make you both proud when i graduate, when BOTH of you walk me down the aisle and when i give you FIVE grandbabies (in twenty years, of course ;)!!!) and all the other stuff in between!