Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Shocking, I know.

I am such a hypocrite.
I get on Facebook and am deeply angered by the amount of stupid, meaningless notifications about someones Barn or someone challenging me to a game of Mob Wars. Why can't someone comment on my picture? or Message me an update on life?
Then, I leave without my fix of connection to the world and go to Myspace. Again, there are no messages about someones exciting life or... what may be.
Lastly, I leave there and go to my eMail and all that is waiting is those meaningless notifications, as mentioned before, from myspace and facebook.
I am realizing something. I am totally being selfish. I never commented or messaged anyone. I just left with frustration that no one left me something exciting.
I even go and check to see if my sisters are posting blogs and when they don't i think to my self, "Jeez! I wanna hear about those babies! POST MORE!"
Sounds a bit dramatic, I know. All that rambling is just to make a point that I need to start blogging again. :P

This time I want to make it more interesting than just the day to day life of an almost typical teenage girl and I will write about my wondering thoughts. I will at LEAST write a sentence on my high and low.

So, here we go, attempt to start blogging again number....hmm...I lost count.

I got to catch up with Sierra again. We are trying to do that more. I am pretty sure before the last time we hung out, it was the first time in four months. That makes me very sad. I used to ride to school with her in the morning. I would play with her every recess. We would walk home together and go our separate ways. I would then try to get out of my chores and run over to her house, so eager, that I got used to always being bare foot because putting on shoes took up a minute of precious time that I could be with my best friend.
Sierra Michelle Rowan is my very best friend. I have known her for longer than my memories go back. Boy oh boy, the memories. Playing poor people and mixing leaves and mud as food (don't worry, we didn't really eat it), making up sports that were very similar to real sports like "ZwifferHoofer Ball" (Volley ball and Kick ball combined), tickle fights, getting baptized together, and endless sleepovers. Sierra has known me longer and knows me better than anyone ever will.
I love that girl with all my heart.

I don't mind book reports generally. The only time they really drive me crazy is when it has to be on a specific book or even if you have a limited choice. I will not do well and I will have a very bad attitude if you assign a book report and give me a "reading list". Ugh. That is what happened in English today. That teacher is so incredibly laid back and spasticly goofy. Until it comes to a writing assignment. He is so strict and picky.
So, I wandered into the library today with a semi-positive act after seeing that the list had a few interesting sounding books. I searched for my first choice, it wasn't there. The second one wasn't either. The third wasn't even in the system. So now I HAVE to read one of the Stephen King books on the list because my mother has them all. Even though I have heard they are really good, I just hate not having a choice. That is the way I am with everything. Silly being that I am very indecisive.

Off to bed now.


Trish said...

Hey!!! This is your mother, commenting on your blog post. Because I love you ginormously and love hearing what you have to say. :)
I'm glad you had some positive time with Sierra and I'm sorry you're stuck with Stephen King. :P

Christy said...

It IS shocking!! ;) ...but so good to get an update about YOU. You're one of my favorite topics to hear about.
You must teach us Zwiffer Hoofer Ball... sounds like good exercise. Loves!